Wednesday, May 11, 2016

D. Joshua Taylor is coming to Maine on May 21st!

The 3rd Annual Southern Maine Genealogical Conference, sponsored by the Greater Portland Chapter of the Maine Genealogical Society, is scheduled for May 21, 2016 in Portland,Maine.  In addition to vendors, exhibitors and a number of speakers related to Maine's rich heritage, the featured guest will be D. Joshua Taylor, a nationally recognized researcher, author and speaker who has also been featured on shows such as Who Do You Think You Are? and Genealogy Roadshow. Taylor will discuss topics ranging from new tools and technology in genealogy to how to find and locate records in one of the myriad of of historical and genealogical societies across the country.

In addition to the keynote speaker, representatives from the Maine State Archives and Penobscot Marine Museum will present on their respective organizations, and you will have an opportunity to get hands on while learning how to develop and efficient and effective research strategy to make your research easier.

Please join the members of the Greater Portland Chapter of the Maine Genealogical Society and all their guests for a day full of lectures, camaraderie, exhibits and lunch on May 21, 2016 at Keeley's Banquet Center in Portland.  For more info or to register, visit the group's conference web page:

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